Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A love affair with low wordplay, and other things.

It has been a very long time since I wrote anything other than a post on social media. To say that I am out of practice is, well, I am. I am out of practice. That's the point of all of this. So I've made this thing, with it's dreadful name that I am not even a tiny bit sorry about, to get back into practice and get the words out.

The purpose of this blog is to ramble a bit and review books, chucking adjectives into the void with glee and abandon. I read primarily historical romance, historical fiction in general, with occasional forays into biographies, mystery, humor and my one true love, books on print media style, grammar, phrasing and the intricacies of our constantly evolving language. But mostly historical romance. 

So with that said, you're obviously here and probably wondering where the posts are. There aren't any, this is the first one. But come back from time to time, if the above sits comfortably in your bag, and see if I've been productive. 

Cheers for now,